Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Installing SQL Server 2008 Failover Cluster on a Windows Server 2008 R2?
This blog post came a bit late as I needed to wait for the article to be posted on the site so I can use it as a reference.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Enabling wireless on Windows Server 2008 - and eventually allowing Hyper-V guests to use it
But my dilemma didn't stop there. I obviously don't want to access the internet via the Windows Server 2008 platform. That's what my Windows XP virtual machine is for. So what I did was to add an Internal virtual network using Hyper-V's Virtual Network Manager. This will create another network adapter on the host operating system - in this case, Windows Server 2008. I've renamed this WiFi-Guest-Bridge. Next, I've added a network adapter on the Hyper-V guest and mapped it to this virtual network. Once, I've done both of these, I've bridged the wireless network adapter and the WiFi-Guest-Bridge network adapter, thereby, providing wireless connectivity to my Hyper-V guest.
Keith Combs provided a step-by-step procedure (with screenshots) on how to configure wireless networking with Hyper-V guests in his blog
It is very important to name your network adapters accordingly as Windows does a real good job of using a generic naming convention (i.e. Local Area Network x) which adds confusion especially if you are dealing with a ton of virtual networks from within a single Hyper-V (or other virtualization) platform
Connecting HyperV guests to the local network even before installing Integration Services
After managing to install Windows XP Service Pack 3, I can now install Hyper-V Integration Services and work on the usual networking stuff using the Hyper-V emulators and drivers. Since I no longer need the legacy network adapter, I removed it immediately after installing the service pack as I now have the option to add network adapters that can be recognized by the guest operating system.
You can read more about Hyper-V Integration Services from this article
Friday, November 6, 2009
Blank space between startup parameters
-dC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf;-eC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG;-lC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\mastlog.ldf;-T1204;-T1222;-T845;-T1262;-T2330
The best way to check if your trace flags are actually enabled during startup is to run the DBCC TRACESTATUS command or, as Erland suggested, looking at your SQL Server error log and note whether the trace flags are aligned with the other SQL Server parameters like the one below. Notice how aligned the startup parameters are (you can see that the - symbol are all aligned). A mere leading blank space would definitely cause them not to work.
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server Registry startup parameters:
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -dC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -eC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -lC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\DATA\mastlog.ldf
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -T1204
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -T1222
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -T845
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -T1262
2009-11-05 10:49:36.010 Server -T2330
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account in SharePoint Content Database
I went back to the SharePoint Central Administration after that to switch the configuration of the content database from using a SQL Server login to using Windows authentication. That did the trick.
Note that if you are moving your SharePoint databases from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008, whether within Windows SBS or a full blown Windows Server system, make sure you check the logins as they need to be moved as well for the SharePoint application to work. You can even use the transfer SQL Server logins script from Microsoft to do this
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
SQL Server Deep Dives book now available

I have had an opportunity to be a part of a wonderful project that took almost a year in the making.
SQL Server MVP Deep Dives is not your ordinary SQL Server book as it brings together the world's most highly-regarded SQL Server experts to create a masterful collection of tips, techniques, and experience-driven best practices for SQL Server development and administration. These SQL Server MVPs—53 in all—each selected a topic of great interest to them, and in this unique book, they share their knowledge and passion with you.
SQL Server MVP Deep Dives is organized into five parts: Design and Architecture, Development, Administration, Performance Tuning and Optimization, and Business Intelligence. Within each part, you'll find a collection of brilliantly concise and focused chapters that take on key topics like mobile data strategies, Dynamic Management Views, or query performance. The range of subjects covered is comprehensive, from database design tips to data profiling strategies for BI.
The authors of this book have generously donated 100% of their royalties to support War Child International. War Child International is a network of independent organizations, working across the world to help children affected by war. War Child was founded upon a fundamental goal: to advance the cause of peace through investing hope in the lives of children caught up in the horrors of war. War Child works in many different conflict areas around the world, helping hundreds of thousands of children every year. Visit www.warchild.org for more information.
If you are attending the PASS Community Summit 2009 this year at Seattle, WA, you can get your copy there. And since most of the authors are SQL Server MVPs, you will have a chance to have your book signed during the conference. I believe that there is also a book launching activity that will occur during the summit so watch out for that
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Learn SQL Server thru videos
MSDev.com has tons of resources to help IT professionals and developers learn more about technology. Check out this link for SQL Server-related resources
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
ISDATE() function returns 0 for valid DATETIMEOFFSET values?
The problem is that ISDATE returns 0 for valid DATETIMEOFFSET values."
I couldn't believe it since Books Online until I tested it out myself
IF ISDATE('2009-09-08 10:19:41.177 -05:00') = 1
This returns INVALID when, in fact, it is a valid datetime value with time zone awareness. I even tried the values provided by Books Online and still gives me invalid results. I have yet to wait for a response from the SQL Server product group regarding this but at least it gives us an opportunity to dig deper
Monday, July 13, 2009
WARNING:the CID values for both test machines are the same
One unique incident occurred to me while trying to troubleshoot a MS DTC communication issue between SQL Server instances. A client of ours requested for assistance to fix a distributed query that uses MS DTC. Apparently, communication between the two SQL Server instances is not happening. My usual round of troubleshooting started with a series of network connectivity tests, ranging from PING to TELNET to NETSTAT to whatever is necessary to make sure that communications between the servers are working fine. That led me to look for ways to check for connectivity specifically with MSDTC. One tool from Microsoft is DTCPing, a utility to help troubleshoot MS DTC firewall issues. While I know for a fact that firewall is not an issue in this particular case, I've decided to give it a shot. Running the DTCPing utility on both servers gave me this error message in the log
WARNING:the CID values for both test machines are the same
A quick Google search led me to this blog post and made me think that the servers might have been cloned. Sure enough, when I asked the customers about the history of the servers, they were indeed cloned VMWare images. They didn't use Sysprep to prepare the images after the cloning process, hence, the reason for having the same CID values. There's nothing wrong with VMWare here. It's just the process that's pretty screwed up. What are the chances of two machines having the same GUID values which are supposed to be globally unique across the enterprise? Very slim unless they are inappropriately cloned.
I followed the steps outlined in the blog post to fix the CID values
- Use Add/Remove Windows Components to remove Network DTC.
- Run MSDTC -uninstall in the command-line
- Delete the MSDTC keys in in the registry
- Reboot the server
- Run MSDTC -install in the command
- Use Add/Remove Windows Components to add the Network DTC back.
- Restart the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Extending your Active Directory Schema
regsvr32.exe schmmgmt.dll
After that, you can now open up the Microsoft Management Console and add the Active Directory Schema snap-in. You can now add new attributes to the objects as you wish, although, updating the existing ones is definitely not recommended
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Creating Active Directory Users with Windows PowerShell
# define constants
$domainstr = ",dc=domainName,dc=local"
$domainnb = "domainName" # domain netbios name
$domain = "domainName.local"
$ADs_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = 512 # Disables account and sets password required.
# Remember to enable the account before logging in
# Prompt user to enter the default passsword for the users
$defaultPassword = Read-Host "Please enter default Password:" -asSecureString
# Read the list of users from the CSV file
# Include other user properties in the CSV file as necessary
Import-csv users.txt | foreach
# Create user name based on FirstName and LastName column in the CSV file
$strUser = $_.firstName + " " + $_.lastName
#Form the LDAP string based on the OU column from the CSV file
$strLDAP = "LDAP://OU=" + $_.OU + ",OU=domainName Domain Users" + $domainstr
$target = [ADSI] $strLDAP
$newUser = $target.create("User", "cn=" + $strUser)
#Define a naming convention for the login based on your corporate policy
#This one uses the first letter of the firstname and the lastname
$userID = $_.firstName[0]+$_.lastName
#Define the other user attributes based on the columns defined in the CSV file
$newUser.sAMAccountName = $userID.ToString()
$newUser.givenName = $_.firstName
$newUser.sn = $_.lastName
$newUser.displayName = $_.firstName + " " + $_.lastName
$newUser.userPrincipalName = $_.firstName[0]+$_.lastName + "@" + $domain
$newUser.mail = $_.Email
$newUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName = $_.Location
$newUser.title = $_.Designation
$newUser.description = $_.Designation
#Normal user that requires password & is disabled
$newUser.userAccountControl = $ADs_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT
Write-Host "Created Account for: " $newUser.Displayname
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
So what's a Tombstone Reanimation Feature?
This TechNet Magazine article highlights how to reanimate Active Directory tombstone objects in case you need to recover an object that has been accidentally deleted. I can't wait to try it out for myself though
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Check the last backup date in SQL Server using WIndows PowerShell
One of the challenges I have when I was starting out as a SQL Server DBA was to check for the last backup date for a database. One way to do this is to find out which tables in the MSDB database contain the records of the backup history. What's really challenging here is the fact that you would have to look at the tables and their corresponding relationships which, apparently, MSDB doesn't have. You simply have to rely on what SQL Server Books Online has to say. Plus, the MSDB database will only contain records for databases with backups. What about those without?
For SQL Server 2005, the script below displays the last backup date of all the databases on your SQL Server instance. This script is from the MSDN Code Gallery
T1.Name AS DatabaseName,
COALESCE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MAX(T2.backup_finish_date), 101),'Not Yet Taken') AS LastBackUpTaken
FROM sys.sysdatabases T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset T2
ON T2.database_name = T1.name
You can simply replace the sys.sysdatabases table with master.dbo.sysdatabases for SQL Server 2000
Below is the equivalent script using Windows PowerShell.
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO')| out-null
# Create an SMO connection to the instance
$s = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $instance
$dbs = $s.Databases
$dbs | select Name,LastBackupDate, LastLogBackupDate | format-table -autosize
The only thing to note here are the last two lines - the one that creates an instance of the database object and the one that displays and formats a few of the database object properties. The first few lines will be the same for just about any PowerShell script that will access SQL Server using SMO
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Copying DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008
I've used Method 2A mentioned in the blog post to move the DTS packages from the SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 as I have like more than a hundred DTS packages stored in MSDB. Remember that the size of the sysdtspackages table in MSDB will depend on not just the number of packages stored but the number of versions of the packages you decide to keep.
After a restore of the MSDB database from the SQL Server 2000 instance and importing the records from the sysdtspackages table, you would definitely want to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components to modify and edit your DTS packages in SQL Server 2005 to change those connection strings, test them after migration and so on.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
No Drives Found error installing CentOS 5.2 on VMWare
I was installing CentOS 5.2 on a VMWare Workstation image when I suddenly hit a wall with this error
No Drives Found
An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new file systems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem.
Now, this isn't the first time I'm installing CentOS on a virtual machine nor on a physical hardware but it definitely is the first time to install version 5.2. Back in the old versions, everything was pretty straight-forward and that I had never encountered this error message before. I was beginning to be tempted to use an iSCSI disk for the installation with another virtualized iSCSI disk but I wouldn't want to go down that road unless I will be configuring this virtual machine as a clustered server. Having searched thru a ton of newsgroup and blog posts on similar issues, a few of them mentioned changing the Operating System to Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Other Linux 2.4.x kernel to make it work. I did find a recommendation to change the virtual disk from SCSI (which happens to be the default setting when you configure your virtual machine) to IDE. That did the trick, although I needed to create a new virtual machine in the process which was the quickest way to do it.
So, remember - use an IDE disk in your VMWare image when installing CentOS 5.2
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Backup on shared folders running on a local system account?
While I do not advocate such workarounds as it opens up additional security loopholes, it still is a workaround. And as I usuallly say, WARNING: This is not a recommended approach. Use at your own risk
Microsoft has a documented procedure to enable null sessions shares and while the KB article mentions Windows 2000, it does work for Windows Server 2003. This should be done on the Windows machine that hosts the shared folder. A word of caution if you intend to use this approach - document every step that you do and make sure you rollback any changes made after generating your database backup. Tasks like enabling the Guest user account (this is disabled by default), modifying the registry, etc. should be rolled back as soon as you're done, otherwise, you're opening up security vulnerabilities across your network.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Could not load file or assembly
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0e1d67af9d31f077' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0e1d67af9d31f077' ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MyAssembly' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'MyAssembly'
This blog post highlights a couple of different reasons why an assembly would not load. What I would like to highlight, though, is the use of a pointer to the correct .NET Framework version in the application's config files.
A lot of developers in the past simply didn't realize that it would be possible to co-exist different versions of the .NET Framework in a single machine yet cause application issues if not handled properly. This Microsoft document, although relatively old, describes how to manage multiple versions of the .NET Framework on a single machine. If unsure, you might want to enable the Assembly binding logging option thru your registry key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) = 1
You can also use the Assembly Binding Log Viewer tool if you have the SDK Tools installed on your target machine (of course, as best practice will tell you, you wouldn't install anything unnecessary on your production servers)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Finding out the .NET Framework version that an assembly uses
If you don't have the tools on the server to check, you can simply copy the assembly on your local machine and use either ILDASM.exe or simply download RedGate's Reflector. Reflector does not need installation as long as you have the appropriate .NET Framework versions in your machine. Just extract the EXE and CONFIG files and you're good to go. A video demonstrating how to use RedGate's Reflector can be found here
Transfering Windows Scheduled Task Jobs between servers
Friday, April 10, 2009
Windows 7 on VMWare Workstation 6.5
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Changing a SQL Server 2000 login
While SQL Server 2005 has the ALTER LOGIN statement to change the properties of a SQL Server login account, SQL Server 2000 does not have such a command. Unfortunately, there are cases where you need to simply rename the login due to a misspelled name or a change management policy. The proper way to do it in SQL Server 2000 is to create the new login, map the permissions and roles of the existing login that you wish to change to this new login and, then, drop the old login. I wouldn't want to go thru that if I only have to rename the login. The only simpler way to do it is to modify the system tables. As I've said, it is not recommended to modify the system tables and/or objects directly so bear in mind that doing this would be at your own risk. This would also require that you torn on allowing ad hoc updates to system tables and turning it off afterwards
UPDATE db..sysusers
SET name='newLogin'
UPDATE master..sysxlogins
SET name='newLogin'
A similar stored procedure is described here
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fixing Orphaned Database Users in SQL Server 2005
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'UPDATE_ONE','user','user'
You still need to run the stored procedure with the REPORT parameter to return a list of orphaned database user
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Whacked out Windows Service
Look for the service name and update the ImagePath key to the correct parameters that you would need for your service. In case you're thinking of deleting a service when it was not properly uninstalled or when it is totally screwed up, you can use the Windows command line tool sc to do the trick
Friday, March 27, 2009
RELOG tool in Windows Server 2008
relog PerfMonCounterLog.blg -f csv -o PerfMonCounterLog.csv
I was trying to find more about this tool from Microsoft TechNet but couldn't find any (or maybe I wasn't just looking hard enough) although MSDN has something about the method called ReLog which does exactly the same thing. It's exposed as an API so you can call it from an application should you wish to do so
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A thousand and one reasons for a generic error message.
The cluster resource ‘SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)’ could not be brought online. Error: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0×8007139F)
Now, this might look like a dependency issue not working correctly but when I checked the Failover Cluster Management console on Windows Server 2008, all the dependencies are online and working as expected. As always, I started searching the Internet for related errors and couldn't find anything really specific except for the same thing - dependency issue. Now, here's what I found out. Since all of the dependencies - disks, MSDTC, IP and virtual server name - are all online, maybe it doesn't have anything to do with them after all. So the first thing I did was to do a PING test to the virtual server name for my clustered SQL Server instance and guess what I found out - there is another IP registered on the DNS server with the same FQDN (maybe a previous installation that wasn't cleaned up properly). I logged in to the DNS server and updated the IP address of my clustered SQL Server instance, ran ipconfig /flushdns on the node on which I am logged in and started the service in Failover Cluster Management. It worked! It just tells you that you should think outside of the box every now and then. It really pays to have that background in network and systems infrastructure every once in a while.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Want to free up disk space on your Windows Server 2008 system partition?
powercfg.exe /hibernate off
Now, if you happen to take a look at your system partition and show all the hidden files, you would see a hyberfil.sys file, a hidden system file located in the root folder of the system partition. The Windows Kernel Power Manager reserves this file when you install Microsoft Windows. The size of this file is approximately equal to the amount of RAM installed on the computer. Since we dont need hibernation on servers, you can just remove this file using the command above. Sometimes I wonder why everything is on the system partition when you don't even need them
"The current SKU is invalid." error? Didn't I pay for my license?
The current SKU is invalid.
After a quick search on the Internet, I found out that this is a bug (my first time to get bitten by it). There is currently a Microsoft Connect item regarding this and it mentions having Cumulative Update 1 applied should fix this issue but I wouldn't want to apply a hotfix for something like this as I normally do that after the entire installation is complete. A few more hits on Google directed me to a forum post that mentions about deleting the DefaultSetup.ini file from the installation media. Just make sure you copy the installation key from this file before deleting it or simply do what I did - move the file some place else. What I usually do is copy everything on a local disk for the installation to be a lot faster. After going thru the Add node to a SQL Server failover cluster option, I manually entered the installation key and it the installation completed successfully. I wonder why I never got this error during my previous installations
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Return of the Living Dead:Job Owners who Keep Coming Back
For SQL Server 2008, this query should do the trick
UPDATE msdb.dbo.sysssispackages
WHERE name = 'MaintenancePlan' AND OWNERSID = SUSER_SID('DOMAIN\old_user')
There's currently a Microsoft Connect item for this case so feel free to vote on it if you think it's worth having a solution that just a workaround
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
How to immediately shrink the SQL Server log files
- Backup the transaction log. This will truncate the log
- Shrink the log file
Pretty simple, right? Well, there are times when this might not work because SQL Server does not shrink the log immediately. The DBCC SHRINKFILE operation occurs only at checkpoints or transaction log backups. SQL Server divides each physical log file internally into a number of virtual log files (VLFs), which make up the transaction log. This MSDN article describes virtual log files in SQL Server. SQL Server MVP Tibor Karaszi highlights why you would not want to shrink your log files. This blog by Johnny Hughes has a script that lets you do this task.
USE databaseName
DBCC shrinkfile(<file_id>,NOTRUNCATE)
DBCC shrinkfile(<file_id>TRUNCATEONLY)
SELECT @i = 0
WHILE (1 = 1)
WHILE (@i < 100)
SELECT @i = @i +1
Are you a SQL Server DBA wanting to Learn Windows PowerShell?
This article is a first in this series of introducing Windows PowerShell to SQL Server DBAs. Go check it out
Friday, February 27, 2009
Trying to attach an MDF file to SQL Server 2005?
I'd still prefer the backup/restore approach. Nothing beats having a peace of mind
Friday, February 20, 2009
Why it is necessary to understand the underlying infrastructure even though you're a DBA
HResult 0xFFFFFFFF, Level 16, State 1SQL Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF].Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.
This blog post highlights how to troubleshoot connectivity issues with SQL Server and gave me an idea why I am getting the issue. The first thing I did was to run an ipconfig /flushdns to make sure I looking at the correct IP-hostname resolution from my DNS server. Then, I tried to PING the IP address of the SQL Server instance and it worked just fine (I usually add the -a switch on my PING command to include the hostname if it is indeed correct). I tried the reverse - PING the hostname - but my DNS server is returning a different IP for the same hostname. Lokks like the DNS entry for my SQL Server box is a bit screwed up. I logged on to the DNS server to validate and I was right. I modified the IP address of the A record pointing to my SQL Server box, ran another ipconfig /flushdns before doing another PING test to validate the change. Once everything is ok, I was able to connect to my SQL Server instance using sqlcmd and osql. It pays to understand a bit about something not directly related to your work sometimes
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Start Windows Services using PowerShell
Here's a PowerShell script to start all SQL Server instances on the local computer. You can modify the parameters if you want to suit your needs. I've used this to start all the services related to Symantec on my machine as well
Get-Service where {$_.Name -like "MSSQL$*"} Start-Service
(NOTE: There's a pipe character "" between Get-Service cmdlet and Where and before the Start-Service cmdlet. It just does not display here)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So what's this CLSID {ABF05265-635E-44B0-A28F-AEA45247ACA0}?
Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10016
Computer: SERVER1
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {ABF05265-635E-44B0-A28F-AEA45247ACA0} to the user SID (S-1-5-21-573225893-205518295-3307690801-69150). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
NewSID on Windows Server 2008?
One thing to note is that you need to check the Generalize checkbox to create a new SID for a cloned system
Reconfiguring your SQL Server disks - 2008 edition
Note that this is definitely not a substitute to a valid backup and restore process for your SQL Server databases. All I'm saying is it just works
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Building a Windows Server 2008 Cluster Part 1
Teredo what?
Verifying that there are no duplicate IP addresses between any pair of nodes.
I've spent a bit of time trying to find out why the cluster validation report is displaying a duplicate IP address on my network when I only have like 2 static IP addresses for each cluster node. After digging thru a few blog and forum posts, I've found out that this was caused by the Teredo IPv6 Tunneling Protocol. This allows IPv6 communications to pass through IPv4 NATs and IPv4 servers. but gives an identical IPv6 address to its network interfaces. This is the one getting flagged by Failover Clustering as an error since it require unique IP addresses.
This blog post describes how to disable the Teredo Tunneling Protocol although when I tried the first option, I still get the error in the cluster validation report. After doing that, I tried disabling it in the Device Manager console as well. It did work after that
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So you can't configure clustering in a Windows Server 2003?
Status: 0x800713de The quorum disk could not be located by the cluster service.
This occurs even if you have created shared disks on a node you wanted to add in a cluster but created it on the same SCSI bus as the disk that holds the operating system. Windows does not allow you to do that since if you are going to failover to the other node, the shared disk should be flexible enough to move. This is a common mistake when trying to create a cluster in a virtualized environment, assigning shared disks on the same SCSI bus as that of the disk that holds the operating system. Check out this blog entry on creating clustered VMs in VMWare Workstation 6. It doesn't matter whether you are using VMWare, Microsoft Virtual Server or Hyper-V; if you don't take note of this, you'll end up spending a lot of time troubleshooting a very simple configuration issue
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Fixing PRIMARY KEY constraint issues in SQL Server 2005 Replication
Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent INSTANCE-db-Publication-SUBSCRIBER_INSTANCE-21 failed. Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Whatever'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.table1'
The error message simply says that replication between the publisher and the subscriber could not push thru due to an existing record in the subscription that is causing a violation of the PRIMARY KEY constraint. Either a record is manually inserted in the subscriber or its just an annoying application which is not properly configured. Here's how you can fix this
- Open Replication Monitor and check for the publication that is causing the error. You should see some error messages in the details that display something about the transaction sequence number, publisher id and command id values
- Next, you retrieve the command associated with the transaction sequence number using the system stored procedure sp_browsereplcmds. This will return a result set of the replicated commands stored in the Distribution database at the Distributor. The query should look something like this
- Next, run a SELECT query on the subscriber instance against the table specified in the subscription passing the values you retrieved from the sp_browsereplcmds system stored procedure.
- If the record already exists, simply delete the record since it will be written over by the replication (of course, this is not always the case and would depend on your business requirements)
EXEC Distribution..sp_browsereplcmds @xact_seqno_start = '0x000B5103000043B7000700000000' ,@xact_seqno_end = '0x000B5103000043B7000700000000',@command_id =2 , @publisher_database_id = 1
This will give you an idea on the possible INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement that is inside this transaction. Based on the error message, we are looking at either an INSERT or an UPDATE statement.
This is just an overview of what you can do when you see such errors in replication. There are a few more articles and tips to help you get by from this website by Paul Ibison